Wednesday 8 January 2014

Day three...monday 6th January, morning

Following the weekends no transport requirement I was please to see the timetable return to normal and the 6.24 back to it's normal commuter stance.
So I stood on my 'spot' on the platform, end carriage, awaiting the 6.24 with eagerness, my usual crowd joining the line behind me one by one (we are a Britishly sophisticated bunch on the 6.24, queuing politely and properly. Once someone ignored the queue and pushed in front of me when the train arrived. A gentlemen commuterfriend , outraged, told her sternly to wait her turn and how rude she was as I was there first, queuing for 15 minutes, resulting in her muttering rudeness in response and scurrying up the train to avoid further scorn from others in my commuter buddy group. A further result occurred of me now being obliged to say good morning to aforementioned commuter demi-hero, an act I am reluctant to advocate but feel it justifiable in light of such acts of chivalry.).
So waiting patiently, the 6.24 starts to draw close...and closer...and closer...and closer...and goes straight past. Still up to its vacation tricks and stopping four carriages further than it used to, back in the good old days of 2013.
So rushing up to the other end of the platform and squeezing myself between a portly gentleman with his overly tight shirt displaying the over hang of his flesh ridden stomach and a stern looking woman with dark hair still covered by her thick rimmed French hat and got myself a seat.
The man snored. The woman tapped. I tried to sleep but again struggled to find solace in zzzzs until Clapham Junction, and kind of gave up after that.

The underground was average, with added entertainment of a armrestwrestle between a  tall well dress 50 something gentleman and a larger dreadlocked 30 something in a colourful flowery ankle length skirt and black fleece.

There was also a trying-to-be-posh DPI (daddy paid for it) swarm of young girls who squawked loudly until Leicester square. I dislike eavesdropping but its not as though you can close your ears as you can your eyes...and from what I gathered of the squawkers they were possibly going shopping, or for high tea, or a massage...or could probably just as easily have been off to attend the debount gala, who knows. Either way, they were excitable and thus annoying.
But I made it to the office with my ears in tact, so shouldn't really complain.

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